10 things that make you a better person

I start thinking about what makes me a better person. Actually, I though that it was a good idea to write about it because maybe my tips should be useful to other people out there. Beginning with the ones that are near to me. So I will tell you what I consider that can make a difference. Here are the ten tips.
  1. Be polite. These days it is something that is missing in our society. When we use kind words, the people around us, feel great. Even ourselves. For example: to say "Thank you" when somebody gives you something, being careful while driving, respecting other people's opinion.
  2. Help the people you can. Sometimes little details can make the life of other person happier. If you know about something and you know there is someone that need help, do it, help. At the end, when you share your knowledge, you learn more. To be honest, it's difficult to begin doing this but once you start, this turns to be part of your personality.
  3. Do what you really want.  Life is better when you do what you like because no matter what others say about the activity you're doing, you will be happy. Even if part of your favorite thing is to write down what you think about stuffs like me :). I love this.
  4. Spend time with the people that matter to you. It's important to prioritize with who you need to spend more time. Maybe your family, husband, your friends or so on. What I do in this case in order to do it, is to ask myself, how I want people remember me in the case of  my death?... the reality is that nobody like thinking or talking about dying but the problem is, that death is the more guarantied thing you have when you're alive. 
  5. Be grateful for life. Thanks for everything, for being alive, having a job, having a family, being healthy and for all you want. Feeling grateful is like feeling blessed. Start thinking that you're lucky because there are others who may not say the same as you because of many reasons.
  6. Find a hobby. There was a time where I was not aware of the importance of this. And by that time, I was doing many activities mechanically, which make me feel empty. Today for example, one of my hobbies is to run, going out and start running make me feel awesome. Find something that fulfill your days and make you happy. 
  7. Learn something different. When you learn something new your brain works better according to  in her article "Top 10 Myths About the Brain". And I think that you increased your knowledge when your try something new.
  8. Enjoy every minute like if it were the last. Enjoy everything, when you talk, walk, study and son on.  Nobody knows when is going to die. And start taking into account that by the time you are doing all the things you're doing, there is a person who is already death. 
  9. Learn the positives things from experience. When you have a problem, try be positive, find a solution, the way you chose to confront problems, make a difference. There will always be an obstacle in your path. You decide if you surpass it or you stay with the obstacle.  Life is that, many moments that teach you something.
  10. Try to give to others what you want to receive.  If you like the people to be kind with you, be kind with them, you'll see that they treat you the same way you treat them. 
Finally, I take for granted that if people (Including me) put in practice a least one of the things I said before. This society should be better.
