How to handle stress

I consider stress one of the sickness of the last century that is affecting the world today. It's so frustrating to feel that you don't have a control over some situations. But the reality is that, in those moments you may use some techniques in order to control yourself and handle the moment the best you can.

Lately , I have been experiencing some stressful activities in my life. I was thinking every day in a situation that I couldn't change and that made me feel so full of stress. So, I decided that investigating a little bit about how to handle the stress, could help a lot of people out there that are having a similar situation.

First, to control something, you have to identify, what is it? and what may we do in order to handle it?... so 
PsycologyToday defines  Stress  as follow "is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. In other words, it's an omnipresent part of life. A stressful event can trigger the “fight-or-flight” response, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to surge through the body."

As we saw, stress is something that make us want to go running out of something o explode in some moments. But there is a hope, there is a safe and more intelligent way to not go crazy about it. According to the American Heart Association, there are some tips that may help you handle the stress. Which are: " Positive Self-Talk,  Emergency Stress Stoppers, Finding Pleasure, Daily Relaxation".

It's incredible what positive thinking can do in your life, so the first tip from American Heart Association is
  • Positive Self-talk: thinking that you can do it, believe it  and every thing will be different.
  • Emergency Stress Stopper: Breath, count to 10 before talking, think before talking, or don't talk when you are full of emotions, do it later.
  • Finding Pleasure: when you do something because you love it, you feel happy. Being happy fight stress.
  • Daily Relaxation: This is very important, to say thank you, to pray, a moment in your day when you can  just breath and slow down the speed of your life.

Also, the web site, gives us others options, such as:
" Identify the sources of stress in your life,  Look at how currently you cope with stress, 
 some stress management strategies: #1: Avoid Unnecessary stress, #2 Alter the situation, #3 Adapt to the stressor, #4 Accept the things you can't change, #5 Make time for fun and relaxation"

I hope this article help some people out there.

Be happy.
