Moments in life

We all have moments in life of happiness, sadness and great experience. But the reality is that the best ones are those where you can say that you felt really awesome, you helped in certain way to improve the quality of time you past by with your friends, family and everybody around you. (Well a least that's what I think). If I begin looking behind what has happened in my life during the pasts years, there are a mix of events that taught me little details, some really greats others not at all.

I've learned that no matter how bad the situation can be, it's important to be positive. Why? .. Because at the end of the day if you are alive that's something you should be grateful for.
There are a lot of people who may not say the same as you, for many reasons.  For example, today a lot of people are already death or sick or with something worse than you.

Each time counts, I’ve been changing some aspects of my daily life, in order to be less grumpy with people I love. Nevertheless, I realized that's something difficult but necessary because I want that everybody or a least the ones next to me remember me with feelings of happiness.

And that's right it's not easy to change something in your life in one day. It's a long path that you have to walk. My point is, to show love to those who are always there for you, at the end matters.

Sometimes people are afraid of expressing their feelings. But reality has shown that if you don’t get out all of what is in your heart, such as angriness, sadness and so on.  Probably, you’ll be suffering even though you think the opposite.

So, this moment right now is the one that matter, take advantage of it and make it count.  
