I feel really comfortable, talking about family
and the importance it have in life. The truth is that nobody likes that people
say bad thing from your family. Because no matter what, the blood is heavier
than the water or at least, that's an expression that is said here in my
There are a lot of situations that make your life happier;
one of them is spending time with your relatives. Why? Because when
you want an advice about something, (I don't know if this happens to you),
but I first ask to one of the member of my family his or her opinion, in order to take it into account. Also celebrating good events with people that matter to you, having a circle where you can be yourself. Those are things that I appreciate.
but I first ask to one of the member of my family his or her opinion, in order to take it into account. Also celebrating good events with people that matter to you, having a circle where you can be yourself. Those are things that I appreciate.
The reality is that my family is not too big. But we try to
be together once in a while. I admire some people I've met that have really
numerous relatives and join every weekend at the house of one member of family.
That's something beautiful. It teaches the values that are important for you to
be a person with success. Because you know you have many people in
who you can count on. And there will be there for you.
To be honest, every person has
a different personality due to what they learn at home. For example:
I came from a family whose origin is on the countryside. Where you
harvest coffee in the mountains and you could see the cows eating
grass at yard in the mornings. Today, I live in a city where everybody is
just playing video games, watching facebook and doing most
part of activities like if they were robots, mechanically. If I make a
comparison between me and one person whose origin was at the city. Probably,
I'll find out that my way of thinking is very different from that person. At
the city, you have to be more careful because of the robbery,
there are many options of everything and also there are more opportunities in
the field of technology, and so on.
Nonetheless, everybody loves to be with family and
especially if you have had great childhood. And no matter what your origins
are, or the way you were raised, you’ll always appreciate that at the
moment of sickness, a relative make you company and in the happy moments too. I
used to be very far from family activities but from today on, I'll begin having
more communication with my brother, sisters, mother, father, etc. At
the end of the day, they'll always be my family.