After reading the book I had an amazing positive attitude. The writer shows many useful tips for people who usually are negative in some aspects. I have to be honest and say that the way in which this book is written, sometimes turn to be a little tired because what I could noticed was that many ideas were repeated. Nevertheless, I consider that the book catches its objective, by showing things that may be used by any one in order to have a better life.
For me, the secret consist of focusing yourself in positive goals.
I understood that when people say "I don't ... (what ever)" the universe do what they tell it to do. But it only take the principal idea, for example:
If you say I don't want to be fat, according to the Bob Proctor , you are telling " I want to be Fat". So when I first read this, I was in shock because I'm being doing that for a lot of time. One of the things I have tested about this book in my life is that when I say something positive is going to happen most of the times it happen. That's why I always try thinking about the good things I have and the prosper life I'm living right now.
Another topic that caught my attention was that it say that it's really important to be grateful for everything.
Sometimes I see people that even though they are healthy, with his body in good conditions, they are complaining about their lives. That's a shame that it occurs because there are people that don't have anything of that and they are grateful and feel happy no matter what.
Another important point was "There is a law of attraction" . We attract what we think about. Also, there is a law of the universe that like attract like. That's why I'm trying (after reading the book), putting in practice this tip. And let me tell you something, it's being not much time after reading but what I'm putting in practice is working. Every day I feel different, I feel happier and it's awesome. So try it!!.
The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. When we love, we share our positive energy. According to the Rhonda, " people are like a tower of transmission, we can send the frequency of love". I think that it's one of the things that I like the most from the book.
Believe . When we have something in mind, we also have to believe. And truly believing means, that when you want a new car, you have to believe you already have it. Begin doing what you have to do, in order to get it. I have to be frank and say that at the beginning, it'll be difficult but after a period of time it'll be part of your habits.
So my estimated reader, the points I said above really changed my way of thinking, hope you have the opportunity of reading the book.