When money becomes an enemy in a couple

Well my estimated reader, I consider this topic a controversial one. Every body knows that money is necessary for living but.... when the money become our enemy? Have you think about it ? Do you consider that the money causes troubles at home?.  It's true that in a couple (especially if you are married or living with someone), confidence, love are just few of the things that MUST have a relationship.

When money issues come, the differences in a couple, tend to appear (at least in some cases). Financial aspects are most of the times, manage with a lots of cares. But, be careful because if you express to your partner that money is more important than his or her company, let me say it not politely, "you have PROBLEMS, my friend".  Let me tell you something, when there is money, there will be a lot of people "Saying to be your friend, wanting to be with you". But when there is not cash, the story is a little bit different. In that moment, you know that the company of those who really are your friends and the person who loves you, it's important.  

Deciding to share your life with somebody implies many aspects, one of them, your bank accounts. Before even thinking about living together, you have to consider that all you money, it's his or hers too. It's hard, isn't it? :P here is that you say, of crap! :). But don't worry, if the person you chose it's the indicated one, money will not become an enemy in your relationship. So, to be frank, in order to avoid having a bad time talking about financial issues after living together, it's better to reach a deal between both before.

As a couple, there will be hard and good times. If you want to be prepare in both situation, just work together and try to have a saving account where both contribute with something. ( I'm just telling you what I think, you decide as couple, doing it or not). The reality is that when both express sincerely your opinions, most of the times, you will have a healthy relationship.

But what happens when is just one person of the relationship, that owns the money!!.... well, well, I just have to tell you, please read again, what I said in paragraph three. You'll become just one family, so, sorry but both will be owners of the money. (At least you made a prenuptial agreement). Each one have to be secured of the other, in order to manage financial issues together.

Finally, I consider that money becomes an enemy in a couples life, when there not enough confidence, love, respect, communication between both. If you have all of those things I said above in your relationship, it'll be a little bit easier for you an your partner to handle the cash of the house. So you can smile a be happy about it :) . Remember that money is spent and it does not last forever but the company of someone who really loves you, doesn't  have a price.
