The 2014 is here!!!

Recently, on the holidays many people decide to get together with those that matter the most. In my country, in this season, people that live outside their homeland decide to return there to see their relatives. They arrive with a lot of wishes to have a good time over there. I consider this is the most exciting time of the year where you can make a reflection of the things you did and the ones you would like to do next year.

When going out at night, you can feel the wind blowing so softly that the environment turns so pleasant. Also many traditions of each family, become the attraction of some. You may heard the laughs because of the jokes you made in your childhood. Remembering every moment you had years ago. New members arrive to family, some are new children, other are new married couples and so on.

But the important thing is that as the new year come, new expectation arrive. Goals that maybe include: a new car, new job, become better at doing something. There are a lot of wishes in the air. Every body is just setting their new challenges in order to start making the path to get to them. And that it's amazing,  how every year, you can overcome the last one. 

I love the feeling of greatness that you get after realizing that every thing you ask for the year before, you did it!!. isn't that just the greatest thing? :), So people, hope you had an excellent 2013. The new year is here, and I 'm sure this 'll be an awesome 2014!!

Happy Holidays.
