Actually, being happy is something that fulfill your life with a lot of positives aspects. Every body can chose how to live. There are a bunch of choices. I prefer taking into account some tips that I did read in an article called "20 simple tips to be happy now By Dr. Timothy Sharp of The happiness Institute". Particularly, I did like the tips written there. That's why, today I decided to write a little bit about what I think of some of those tips. Especially, because I consider that with the content of this article I may help a lot of people out there to be happier just putting in practice some simple actions.
Dr. Timothy focus 20 tips but I will just point out the ones that I found that cause more impact in my life after reading about them. I will start with the following.
Tip 1: Make happiness a priority: Sometimes people try to live their entire life being pleasant to others and not to themselves. When I was reading this, I just realized that the priority in my life must be to please me. Because if I'm not happy, I won't make happy others.
Tip 3: Set happy goals: I was amazed with this. Here, the author says that is necessary to set SMART goals (specific,measurable, achievable, relevant and timed). In reality, is important to focus on this. To set objective according to our real life is part of the success. And what is more relevant, to be happy with the things we proposed to ourselves.
Tip 5: Set yourself tasks from which you’ll gain satisfaction: I have to admit that from time to time, I have to do some task that are not funny but at least, as the author said , I gain a feeling of satisfaction. And that make me feel really great.
Tip 7: Identify where your strengths lie: To discover where we are good at, is something really helpful in life. As you identify those points you can focus and at the same time you can become an expert where you want.
Finally, I just selected these tips because they made me really optimistic about life. I recommend to every body to read this article/book. I felt amazing, with so much energy and joy that I believe most of you readers will appreciate it.