When difficult times arrives, you know who your friends are.

Every body has had a bad situation, at least once. Having somebody to be with you, to hold your back; if something goes wrong or good, is really an accomplishment in your life. Those people who may laugh with you but may also cry with you and if it's necessary to tell you the truth, no matter what, are just special. 

Considering the actual moments, times when you can not trust in anybody. If you have at least someone who you may call friend. Feel grateful about it. People who stay in contact with you, no matter distance, situations or changes in life are hard to find. 

To be honest, I admire a person who keep in touch with the ones that matter the most. Specially, if years have passed. Why? Because having communication  with the same person for years, is something that not every one may do. If you feel that when you talk, call or get together with a friend, you start smiling, feeling happy, that means you have done a great job making a path in your life.

Be careful, with the ones around you, choose them very well in order to have just people who really are friends. Friends are people who stay with you no matter how many girlfriends o boyfriends you change, if you decide to have a different way of living. At the end, they are with you.

If you have a good friend, you will know it. 
