Friends in Christmas.

Christmas time. This is one of the special moments of the year with family and friends. Who matter the most in life. So, there are various ways for you to know if you have real friends and people that really care what happens to you. As a matter of fact, I will enumerate some of the aspects I consider you can take into account.

When you decide to get together with someone without planning it before. This is something that I admire from people that have really good fellows around. Getting together to share thoughts or situations or just to talk about life is one of the points that show you, if you have cultivated the friendship during your life.

Having somebody to help you when you have difficult moments. Everybody has had a bad moment in life, such as: having no money, troubles with wife/husband, being sick, difficult decisions to take and so on. By the time you realize that in each one of those moments, you have had the same circle of people around you, supporting you in one way of another, you have to feel glad because of the job done, I mean, cultivating relations with people is not something that Everyone can do. Just the ones who understand the meaning of friends can do it.

When you need to talk and you know, you can call a bunch of people that will take the time to listen to you.  This is something precious. One of the most important things by the time you want to unbosom, is having the alternatives or choices of who you can count on for this. There are situations in life, the good ones, the bad ones but what makes the difference in one person or another is having someone that will take time for you. Time is one of the most especial presents because there's no way  going back the time, every moment is unrepeatable.  

When you prefer getting together with those people instead 
of doing anything else.  Reality makes you notice when you have the ones can be with
 you no matter what. Every time you know you will  feel better next to friends, instead going
 to a disco or doing something else

without them

So, for now, these have being my suggestions in order for you to know if you really have
 good people around you in Christmas and anytime of the year.

Happy Holidays. 
